Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church, Mexia
We Offer an Inclusive Worship Environment
Worship With Us Every Sunday @10:30 am !

Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church, Mexia
It is God's desire that we be hospitable, inclusive, and inviting; therefore, we welcome everyone to our worship services live-streamed Sunday morning on Facebook at 10:30 am. (https://www.facebook.com/christchurchmexia) For more information, please write to [email protected].
Worship & Events
On each of the Wednesdays during Lent, there will be Holy Eucharist with Annointing of Oil followed by a soup supper. Vegetable “stone soup” will be shared so bring your favorite ingredient for the soup. A cutting board, knife, and peeler will be available for those who want to prepare at the Parish Hall. If your vegetable or pasta or beans will take longer than 30 minutes, plan to bring it pre-cooked. Bread, butter, and drinks are also good options to contribute to this shared fellowship.
The service starts at 6:00 pm; however, arrive early to add your special something to the soup pot!
ECW is having a St. Patrick's Day social! The Episcopal Church Women will meet in the Parish Hall at 11:30 am, for fun, food, and fellowship. Wear a touch 'o green and join in the festivities. Bring a dish to share. All women are welcome to attend.
Join us for Holy Eucharist as we continue our journey in Lent. The service starts at 10:30 am. Come early for coffee and fellowship in the Parish Hall.
The CECM Bishop's Committee will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 12 noon in the Parish Hall.
On each of the Wednesdays during Lent, there will be Holy Eucharist with Annointing of Oil followed by a soup supper. Vegetable “stone soup” will be shared so bring your favorite ingredient for the soup. A cutting board, knife, and peeler will be available for those who want to prepare at the Parish Hall. If your vegetable or pasta or beans will take longer than 30 minutes, plan to bring it pre-cooked. Bread, butter, and drinks are also good options to contribute to this shared fellowship.
The service starts at 6:00 pm; however, arrive early to add your special something to the soup pot!
The Third Sunday in Lent will be observed with Holy Eucharist. Worship begins at 10:30 am. Coffee and fellowship are offered in the Parish Hall before the service. All are welcome to attend.

Second Sunday in Lent March 16, 2025
O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Second Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
March 16, 2025
Scripture Readings
First Reading: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Psalm 27
Second Reading: Philippians 3:17-4:1
The Gospel: Luke 13:31-35
Eucharistic Lectionary Year C
Office Lectionary Year 1
Crucifer: Blaize Ellis
Acolyte: Reese Fleming
Oblationers: Jodie & Erik Maki
Lector: Pam Dolezal
Altar Guild: Wanda Fewell
Chalice Bearer: Norma Thronburg
Officiant: The Rev. Karen J. Pettit
Everyone is welcome; come in comfortable or casual attire with open hearts. Check out our Why Do We page for more information about Christ Church.
Curious about what is happening at Christ Church? Visit our Events Calendar page to check out coming events, birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates
If you have questions about the service or any part of it, please feel free to ask any of the parishioners. We will be glad to explain things to you and introduce you to the Episcopal Church.