Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church, Mexia

We Offer an Inclusive Worship Environment

Worship With Us Every Sunday @10:30 am

Bishop Doyle speaks with Blaiz Ellis, Reese and Staci Fleming.
Keith Turchi and Pat Nance with sunrise behind them.
Congregants blowinf bubbles for Pentecost
Altar Prepared for Pentecost
congregation at youth service

Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church, Mexia

It is God's desire that we be hospitable, inclusive, and inviting; therefore, we welcome everyone to our worship services live-streamed Sunday morning on Facebook at 10:30 am. (https://www.facebook.com/christchurchmexia)  For more information, please write to church@christchurchmexia.org.

Worship & Events

Pentecost 10.3resize

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost July 28, 2024