Altar Servers’ Schedule

Date Service Crucifer Acolyte Oblationers Lector Altar Guild Chalice Bearer Officiant Assisting Officiant for MP Event
1/19/2025 HE II Reese Fleming Blaize Ellis Monte & Amy Fleming Nolan Maki Amy Fleming Alan Dolezal Rev. Karen J. Pettit - - - The Second Sunday after the Epiphany
1/26/2025 HE II Blaize Ellis Jeffery Fleming Brandon & Staci Fleming Milinda Ellis Leslie Avery Rev. Karen J. Pettit The Rt. Rev. Kathryn Ryan - - - NOTE: This service will begin at 8:30 am
2/02/2025 Liturgy of the Word Reese Fleming Blaize Ellis Erik & Jodie Maki Wanda Fewell Leslie Avery - - - Keith Turchi Richard O'Dell Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
2/09/2025 HE II Jeffery Fleming Reese Fleming Burt Williams Keith Turchi Pam Dolezal Alan Dolezal Rev. Karen J. Pettit - - - The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
2/16/2025 HE II Blaize Ellis Jeffery Fleming Alan & Pam Dolezal Jodie Maki Pam Dolezal Brett Fewell Rev. Karen J. Pettit - - - The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
2/23/2025 HE II Reese Fleming Blaize Ellis Brett & Wanda Fewell Norma Thronburg Norma Thronburg Keith Turchi Rev. Karen J. Pettit - - - The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

If you are scheduled to serve but are unable to be present, please contact another server and arrange for a substitute and then notify the webmaster. Please DO NOT swap with someone else. Just have someone sub for you. When you try to swap, it creates problems with the calendar of servers after that. Thank you.

Altar Servers


Blaize Ellis [email protected]
Jeffery Fleming (Jillian) [email protected]
Reese Fleming (Staci) [email protected]


Amy and Monte Fleming [email protected]
Brett and Wanda Fewell [email protected]
Burt Williams [email protected]
Jodie and Eric Maki [email protected]
Alan & Pam Dolezal [email protected]
Staci and Brandon Fleming [email protected]

Chalice Bearers

Keith Turchi [email protected]
Alan Dolezal [email protected]
Brett Fewell [email protected]
Norma Thronburg [email protected]


Jodie Maki [email protected]
Linda Anders [email protected]
Milinda Ellis [email protected]
Nathan Maki [email protected]
Nolan Maki [email protected]
Norma Thronburg [email protected]
Pam Dolezal [email protected]
Wanda Fewell [email protected]